Power of attorney: The client will issue a power of attorney in favor of Merchant Overseas. The AMR Overseas Limited will handle all the affairs with Bangladesh Government in recruitment on behalf of the client.
Demand Letter: The client will issue a demand letter in favor of AMR Overseas Limited which will describe the job category, the number of workers needed in each category, monthly salary, duty hours, duration of the contract and other facility for workers such as food, medical, transport, air passage, housing and other benefits.
Visa Documents: Please note that this particular requirement of document is only applicable for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The client will provide a visa document (E-Wakala) by which the Government of the employing country allows the agency to recruit such workers from Bangladesh. It will be original and verified, which will be accepted by the respective embassy.
Company Registration (CR) Copy: Please note that this particular requirement of document is only applicable for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A photocopy of the company registration is needed.
Consular Letter: Again, please note that this particular requirement of document is only applicable for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A letter addressing the Consular that Merchant Overseas is authorized to
recruit workers from Bangladesh as per demand letter against the stated visa block number.
Employment Agreement: Copies of standard employment contract between employer and employee are needed.
Agency Agreement: The client and AMR Overseas Limited should sign an agency agreement with all the terms and conditions which will be the guide for both the parties. Verified Letter, P/A and Demand Letter should be in original, duly sealed & signed by the sponsor or authorized person & attested by Chamber of Commerce and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Upon receipt of all necessary documents mentioned above, Merchant Overseas will be able to deploy
workers to the destination country within 40-50 working days subject to availability of seats with
concerned Airlines.
The pre-selection process requires advertisement in local mass media to inform the workers about the job. Merchant Overseas has a broad computer database of all current and potential future applicants who come from across the country with a variety of skills and qualities. The whole pre-selection process is run by our own recruiting manager and executives based on following criteria :
1. Capability
2. Competency
3. Knowledge
4. Experience
5. Finishing of job and quality of job performed.
Final Selection & Deployment Process :
We always prefer selection of workers either by oral or practical test to be directed by the employer or his/her authorized representative. We arrange his/her/their housing, transport and all other logistic support
required for the purpose. If we are given the responsibility of selecting and testing our workers, we usually do it with the help of a team of experts for the technical and professional department under the direct super-vision of our professional executives at our industrial trade test center. Testing facilities for complex engineering functions are available at our training center premises in Banani, Dhaka, attaching to the most advanced processes and techniques used at that time.
Web Based Workers Management System: Here at AMR Overseas Limited, we maintain a custom-built web-based project management application software so that our partners (employers, project stakeholders, etc.) can monitor the progress of each individual processing work as it happens. We are constantly updating each employee’s file in our management application system. Once a project is signed, we provide the employer with a user ID and password to access the system.